About the Juniata Valley Behavioral and Developmental Services
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JVBDS Overview
Juniata Valley Behavioral & Developmental Services (JVBDS) is an administrative entity overseen by the commissioners of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juniata
Counties. This is known as the Joinder Board of Commissioners.
JVBDS contracts with service providers to deliver mental health, intellectual disability, autism and early intervention services to residents of the Joinder.
JVBDS is also the entity responsible for applications for the emergency evaluation process and also for coordinating referrals and discharges with both civil and forensic state hospitals.
The Vision of JVBDS
Mental Health
Recovery from serious mental illness and strive to provide services that promote that process. Click here to learn more about our mental health services.
Base Service Unit: Provided by S.A.M., Inc.
Child and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP)
Juniata Valley Crisis
Outpatient Provider Contact Info
And Many More Services
Intellectual Disabilities
Everyday Lives and Self Determination for people with Intellectual Disabilities. Click here to learn more about our intellectual disabilities services.
Benefits Counseling
Companion Services
Community Participation Supports
In Home and Community Supports
And Many More Services
Early Intervention
Early Intervention services that are individualized, family centered, and delivered in natural environments for infants and toddlers with developmental delays. Click here to learn more about our early intervention services.
Independent Evaluations
Service Coordination
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
And Many More Services
Priority Services
The individuals who have priority for services are:
Infants and toddlers with significant developmental delays
Children and adults with Intellectual Disabilities,
Adults with serious mental illnesses, and
Children with serious emotional and/or behavioral disorders.