JVBDS Mental Health Services
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Mental Health Services
Juniata Valley Behavioral and Developmental Services strives to provide recovery oriented services as well as evidenced based practices to support individuals with behavioral health needs in Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juniata Counties.
County funds provide services to uninsured and underinsured and also support services not funded with Medical Assistance dollars.
Eligibility for services is dependent upon a diagnosis of mental illness. Intake, information and referral for mental health services is provided by the Service Access and Management Base Service Unit.
JVBDS Mental Health Resources

Base Service Unit: Provided by S.A.M., Inc.
Administrative Case Management:
Intake, Information and Referral
Hospital Liaison:
Works with Local Acute Inpatient Units and State Hospitals to Link Individuals with Services upon Discharge
Forensic Liaison:
Works with Local Jails and State Correctional Institutions to Link Individuals to Services upon Re-Entry
Housing Coordinator:
Manages Master Leasing, House of H.O.P.E., PATH and CRR Referral List

Additional Services and Programs
Certified Peer Specialist
Blended Case Management
Social Rehabilitation (Drop-in Centers)
Crisis (Telephone, Mobile, Text and Chat)
Community Residential Rehabilitation (CRR)
Housing (Master Leasing, PATH and House of H.O.P.E.)
Outpatient Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Clubhouse (Vocational Psych Rehab)
Psychiatric Rehabilitation (Site Based & Mobile)
Supported Living Program
Mobile Medication Management
The Child and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP) is part of the mental health continuum and is a referral source for hospitals, schools, CYS, JPO, and other organizations for at risk youth.
Juniata Valley Crisis
Juniata Valley Crisis provides intervention, assessment, counseling, screening, and referral services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
These services are available to anyone who calls or requests the Crisis team to come to their:
**Call, text, or chat to speak with a crisis intervention specialist.**
Juniata Valley Crisis Telephone Number: 1-800-929-9583
CCR Crisis Text Line: #63288
Crisis Chat Link: https://www.ccrinfo.org/huntingdon-mifflin-and-juniata-counties
Outpatient Providers in Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Juniata Counties
We have a large list of Outpatient Providers in the following Regions:
Huntingdon County
Mifflin County
Juniata County
Please CLICK HERE to download the Outpatient List!