Values of the Juniata Valley Behavioral and Developmental Services
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JVBDS Values
Juniata Valley Behavioral & Developmental Services (JVBDS) is an administrative entity overseen by the commissioners of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Juniata
Counties. This is known as the Joinder Board of Commissioners.
JVBDS contracts with service providers to deliver mental health, intellectual disability, autism and early intervention services to residents of the Joinder.
JVBDS is also the entity responsible for applications for the emergency evaluation process and also for coordinating referrals and discharges with both civil and forensic state hospitals.
Priority Services
The individuals who have priority for services are:
Infants and toddlers with significant developmental delays
Children and adults with Intellectual Disabilities,
Adults with serious mental illnesses, and
Children with serious emotional and/or behavioral disorders.
Public Resources
Public resources should be the last resort for supporting individuals and families to remain productive in the community.
These scarce public funds will be used for individuals and families within the priority populations.
Balanced Approach
The system will strive to satisfy its customers by balancing professional recommendation with individual and family preference, and available resources.
Team Planning
Comprehensive system planning should include representatives from consumers and families, contracted agencies, physical health providers, Local Authorities, other human service and law enforcement bodies which collaborate with the Program to improve the quality and quantity of services.
Coordinated Approach
The provision of service to priority populations is the responsibility of the contracted agencies, through their professional and support staffs in a coordinated fashion, and within the boundaries of available resources.
Service Unit
The Contracted Base Service Unit is an agent of the Local Authorities and their Program for admission, case management, and monitoring of services to eligible persons.
Fair Share
Resources should be distributed among the three counties of the joinder so that eligible persons from each County receive their fair share proportionate to their County’s population ratio in the joinder.
Individualized Services
Services should be individualized, based on strengths as well as needs, and delivered in a timely, accessible, and practical fashion.
Active Participants
Individuals, their family members, their advocates, and other service systems involved with the person should actively participate in developing individualized service or treatment plans.